Backstreet Billy´s got a gun in his hand 
Says he´s gonna make it 
He´s got no money for his wife´n´kids
He can no longer take it
He runs down to the corner shop
Stick up the geezer gonna nick the lot 
Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself a name 

 Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself 
 Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself 
 Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself 
 A name

Stick em up he says to Fred 
Empty the till or you´ll be dead
??? the door opens wide
It´s Mrs. Miller with a cop at her side
Drop the gun the cop says to Bill
Give up sun or you might get killed 
Backstreet Billy gets scared and starts to shout 
This is what I´m gonna do whent get out 
Gonna run down to the corner shop
Stick up the gezzer gonna kick the lot 
Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself a name 

 Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself 
 Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself 
 Backstreet Billy´s gonna make himself 
 A name